We just finished writing and compiling the Spring issue of the Anglophile. Please read about the get-together we had in March, about lost and found bookmarks, and a trip down memory lane all the way back to the seventies. Also, we received three short stories written by WEM 1 students. Would you like to contribute a story to our Summer issue? Do not hesitate and send us your story! We would love to hear your take on a new and exciting novel, a brand new film, or your opinion on British politics. Or perhaps you wish to share your experience as a teacher, translator, travel guide, or whatever you are doing now. Send a story to alumniclubengels@gmail.com and we will get back to you. Did you publish a book or an interesting article in a magazine? Let us know and we will include the information in the next issue. In the meantime, enjoy our latest magazine!
And it is Spring again!